Gra miejska impreza integracyjna Serock wiadomosc w butelce

Welcome to Serock: Full Steam Ahead!

Participants, in 5-6 person teams, explore the parks, pier, and cultural center of Serock, flexing their mental muscles as they decode a wide variety of nautical-themed puzzles along the way.

After following Captain’s orders, deciphering a „message in a bottle”, and learning more about Serock’s history at the Chamber of Fishery Traditions, participants finish with sailors’ shanties and a cool drink back at their hotel.

In all cases, participants will need to work closely together as they decipher both standard (e.g., signal flags, crosswords) and original codes (e.g., finding hidden messages after folding an origami sculpture) – and where often the main challenge is deciding how to approach the problem in the first place.

Supported by our customized mobile application

The event is supported by our customized mobile application, ClueKeeper, which replaces the traditional „paper-based” approach with GPS-based guidance to specific locations, clear and consistent hints, real time scoring and monitoring of teams’ progress, a leaderboard visible to all participants, messages during the event, and more.

Anchors Aweigh!

  • 3-4 hour event, in English or Polish
  • Number of participants: 30+
  • Attractive pricing. Discounts for non-profits and public sector
Impreza integracja Serock aplikacja izba
Na molo w Serocku

Na molo w Serocku / Serock city pier

Gra miejska integracjna Serock przy plaży

Kreatywne rozwiązywanie problemów / Creative problem solving

Gra miejska impreza integracyjna Serock Barbarka

Zadanie dodatkowe przy Barbarce / Extra points at Barbarka

Współpraca / Teamwork

Impreza integracja Serock aplikacja flagi
Instrukcje w aplikacji

Instrukcje w aplikacji / In-app instructions

Impreza integracja Serock aplikacja nawigacja

Wyznaczona trasa / GPS-based guidance

Podpowiedzi w aplikacji / In-app hints

Impreza integracja Serock aplikacja wyniki

Wyniki w czasie rzeczywistym / Real-time results

For more information or to reserve a date


Call: +48 601 900 025

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