Gra miejska impreza integracyjna Torun krzywa wieza

Toruń in a Nutshell!

Discover the magical medieval city of Toruń in this 3-hour City Game!

Participants are grouped into 5-6 person teams, then solve 8 challenges at beautiful gothic locations throughout Toruń’s old town. They actively learn about Toruń’s rich history, local legends and cultural icons, sampling Toruń’s most famous food in a gingerbread-making workshop, and finishing back at their hotel.

Along the way, they interact with locals and solve a variety of logical, physical, and psychological puzzles and challenges, while monitoring their progress through an online leaderboard, all supported and guided by the ClueKeeper mobile application.

Explore Toruń in this unforgettable corporate event!

Supported by our customized mobile application

The event is supported by our customized mobile application, ClueKeeper, This replaces the traditional „paper-based” approach with GPS-based guidance to specific locations, augmented reality clues, and clear and consistent hints.  Participants also have online access to real time scoring, with a leader board visible to all.

  • 3 hour event, in English or Polish
  • Number of participants: 30+
  • Attractive pricing. Discounts for schools, non-profits, and public sector

Gotyk / Local instruction

Piernik / Gingerbread

…i Kopernik / Copernicus Statue

Instrukcje w aplikacji / In-app instructions

Impreza integracja Serock aplikacja nawigacja

Wyznaczona trasa / GPS-based guidance

Podpowiedzi w aplikacji / In-app hints

Wyniki w czasie rzeczywistym / Real-time results

For more information or to reserve a date


Call: +48 601 900 025

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